Are you experiencing muscle cramps in your intimate areas? Do you feel like something is bulging from the inside into your vagina? If you do, then this blog is packed full of info that might be just what you’re looking for! At New U, we don’t shy away from the ‘taboo’ topics. It’s important to us to open up the debate and encourage sharing info, spreading the message of positivity that conditions like these are not something that you should be embarrassed about. This is not something that you need to worry about – it’s a common problem, and one that can be solved. So let’s face this together, and positively look at how we can improve the situation for ladies with POPs (Pelvic Organ Prolapses).
So. Where to start, ladies? It is important that we understand first what we are referring to when we experience this kind of pain or discomfort. Being aware of our condition is essential so that, in the first place, we know what to address and how to address it. In medical terms, what we are talking about here is called a Pelvic Organ Prolapse or POP. This occurs when the pelvic floor muscles are weakened and the pelvic organs prolapse or bulge from their natural position into the vagina. I can understand how scary this might sound, but this is absolutely not something to panic about, and the majority of women experiences only a partial bulging or prolapse which can be easily treated.
There are other conditions that are associated when you develop pelvic floor disorder. These include urinary incontinence and anal incontinence. Remember that when you experience a pelvic organ prolapse, there is likely to be drooping of any of your pelvic floor organs, such as the bladder, uterus, vagina, small bowel, and rectum. So, being aware that prolapse has many faces and phases, and in this article, we’ll do our best to give as much up to date info on how best to treat it.
In the United Kingdom, 8.4% of women reported that they are suffering from a vaginal lump or bulge, and on examination, 50% of these women were seen to have prolapse. Studies further revealed that one 1 of 10 women are said to need at least one surgical procedure and the chances of undergoing re-operation is as high as 19%. Certainly, these numbers will keep on booming if we simply ignore the topic and don’t get help just because it might seem embarrassing, and it’s easy to see how, without the right support and treatment, this common condition can consume us physically, emotionally, and mentally.
So let’s get into it! How do you know if you have a pelvic organ prolapse? There are a number of symptoms to look out for that indicate that you might be positive of POP. Primarily, this includes a feeling of pressure or fullness in the pelvic area. Other symptoms also include a backache in your lower back, painful intercourse, an intense urge to urinate, constipation, bleeding or spotting from the vagina, and urinary problems. These symptoms vary depending on the organ that is drooping. If the rectum is the one drooping, you are likely to be either constipated or feeling uncomfortable when having intercourse. On the other hand, urine leakage occurs when the prolapse is in the bladder. If it is in the small intestine or uterine, backache and painful intercourse are often experienced.
There are likewise factors that can contribute to the onset of a pelvic organ prolapse. One of the big ones is pregnancy or childbirth. This is especially true specially when the baby is large, or your labour has taken longer than the normal childbirth. This often results in an increased risk of developing a prolapse. Another factor that can cause prolapse is straining on the toilet which causes weakness and overstretching.
Having a hysterectomy can trigger your body to develop a prolapse as well, as the top of the vagina is supported by ligaments and muscles and the surgery affects this. Once this support system weakens, a prolapse is more likely to occur. So, if there is pressure in any part of your body, particularly those that are connected to your pelvic floor muscles, you may want to speak to your doctor sooner rather than later. For instance, even chronic coughing and heavy lifting can increase pressure and result in prolapse. In addition to this, other factors that increase the risk of POP are age, being in the post-menopausal stage of life, obesity, and in some cases family history.
This might all sound like doom and gloom, but none of these things should not cause you to panic. Ultimately, the reason why we are sharing this with you is so that we all become gradually educated about this condition, normalise talking about it, and can consequently understand the solutions that are out there, so that if this happens to you, you know what your options are and can make an informed decision about how to successfully treat it. Medically speaking, the POP can be diagnosed by your doctor during a routine pelvic exam, like the one you experience when you do the Pap Smear. Other tests that may be requested by your doctor are a CT scan, ultrasound or Magnetic Resonance Imagery of the pelvis, or a urinary tract x-ray or intravenous pyelography.
Once you are able to confirm that the symptoms and the test results you have received indicate a POP, the next step is to consider the best options available to treat your condition. This is where New U comes into play. Our team is committed to delivering 100% reliable treatments that have had excellent results in treating this condition.
But first – we want to address an issue that has been stopping ladies getting treatment for generations, and that’s the perceived (and false!) shame and embarrassment associated with admitting, and treating the problem. While this is understandable, when a person is fully aware of their medical condition, they should never be ashamed to share it with others, since it is only by talking about these issues that we can ensure we get the right information and treatment, and more than that, that others feel empowered to seek help too!
At New U, we aim to eliminate this taboo and allow people to open up about it. With some reliable treatment options now accessible, it is no longer something that people must simply accept. For patients suffering with incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse, we offer interventions and treatments that have been shown to be highly effective and beneficial, and are completely non-invasive.
The long and short of it is that our treatment largely entails the restoration and reconditioning of the pelvic floor muscles, which support our internal organs, and are critical for avoiding urine incontinence and POP. The innovative Emsella chair, created by award-winning medical technology company BTL, employs electromagnetic energy to painlessly stimulate deep pelvic floor muscle contractions, retraining deconditioned muscles to better support the pelvic organs and regaining bladder control. It makes use of HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Technology) to stimulate the deep pelvic floor muscles and restore neuromuscular function. This has been proven the world over to have incredible results both for POP and urinary incontinence, and even muscular lower back pain.
The course of treatment you will receive with the BTL Emsella Chair is simple, quick, and painless. A typical course of treatment is to have 6 28-minutes sessions, in which 11,000 supramaximal Kegels are produced, rapidly and reliably restoring bladder control. These supramaximal kegel-like contractions retraining your muscles without you having to exert any effort.
While we would always recommend pelvic floor exercises, for many, they are simply not enough, and many also find them uncomfortable and time-consuming. When you undergo BTL Emsella treatment instead, all you need to do is to sit back, fully-clothed, and grab a book or magazine while the ‘happy chair’ (as it’s become known) works its magic! Treating incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse has never been easier, so if you’re experiencing these problems yourself, please get in contact – we can help.
The results and reviews we’ve had for this treatment speak for themselves, and while it’s always good to weigh up all the options and speak to your doctor if you’re unsure what’s right for you, there are so many advantages to opting for Emsella treatment above the other alternatives available. This method is so simple, as well as being non-invasive, painless, and highly successful, making what you might expect to be unpleasant to actually be a pleasurable and rewarding experience! It’s also worth noting that it’s great for vaginal rejuvination, and can work wonders for your sex life – what’s not to love?
So what are you waiting for? Contact us today to get your pelvic floor muscles fighting fit, improve your bladder control and sex life, and regain your confidence.
Hannah Fleming-Hill
New U, Nottingham
Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.